When is a Low FODMAP AIP Diet Necessary
Life with Autoimmunity, Lifestyle

When is a Low FODMAP AIP Diet Necessary?

When is a Low FODMAP AIP Diet Necessary and Who Can Benefit from Doing this Combination Protocol?

The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol diet is a dietary and lifestyle approach that seeks to reduce inflammation and reverse autoimmunity through the elimination of certain foods. It has been shown to be an effective method for those suffering from autoimmune conditions.

Monash University has written a detailed article about the original (non-AIP) Low-FODMAP diet. If you want to know more about it, I highly recommend you read this helpful article.

FODMAP stands for Fermentable, Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides And Polyols. FODMAPs can be difficult to digest, can be poorly absorbed in the small intestine, and can cause IBS symptoms such as bloating, gas, and abdominal pain in some individuals. The goal of the original Low FODMAP diet is to reintroduce foods one-by-one to determine what is safe and not causing symptoms. The Low-FODMAP diet on its own is a highly beneficial elimination diet that specifically targets high FODMAP carbohydrates that can often result in gastrointestinal symptoms. Going on a Low-FODMAP diet can be beneficial and yield results quickly.

An AIP Low-FODMAP diet can be a great choice to fight off various symptoms, like autoimmune issues, inflammation, gas, constipation, diarrhea, bloating or stomach pain. For many of those who have been stuck in the original AIP elimination phase for a while, combining the AIP with a Low FODMAP diet has brought relief and the ability to move forward onto AIP reintroductions!

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When is a Low FODMAP AIP Diet Necessary

Who is an AIP Low FODMAP Diet Best For?

This diet is extra strict, though it is only done for a short period of time. It is not meant to be long-term, nor should it be utilized for an extended period of time. When is a Low FODMAP AIP Diet Necessary?

There are some people who can benefit from adding this extra Low-FODMAP step to their Paleo AIP elimination phase:

  • Those who have had a hard time moving onto the Paleo AIP reintroduction phase
  • Those who have had a lot of failed Paleo AIP reintroductions
  • Those who have a hard time tolerating elimination phase AIP foods
  • Those who have strong and uncomfortable gastrointestinal symptoms despite being on the Paleo AIP for some time
  • Those who have been told by their doctor that they have IBS or SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth)

The first thing to do is to get acquainted with the list of allowed and restricted foods. Grab my free list here!

Once you have a good understanding of what you should and shouldn’t eat, it’s time to plan your meals accordingly and start eating a combination of AIP compliant and low-FODMAP foods. Additionally, keep in mind that it may take some time for your body to adjust when transitioning into this diet so don’t be discouraged if results are not immediate.

Give this combination diet a shot for a period of 2-6 weeks. If you are sensitive to high FODMAP foods, it’s highly likely you will see positive changes during this timeframe.

low fodmap AIP foods list
low fodmap AIP foods list

How to Reintroduce Foods After the AIP Low-FODMAP Elimination Phase

Once you’re done with the AIP Low FODMAP elimination phase, you can start reintroducing higher FODMAP AIP foods one at a time in small amounts. To help reduce the chance of any intense reactions, wait a few days in between each new food reintroduction before increasing the portion size of that food and before trying out another type of food.

Monash University’s app is a useful tool for those familiar with the AIP guidelines and looking to explore the low-FODMAP diet. It provides access to helpful tips and information all in one place!

AIP low fodmap gut fix plan

Get a Simple but Comprehensive Plan of Action

The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) and the Low FODMAP diet are two popular approaches that have helped many people manage their symptoms and improve their overall health. However, starting and sticking to these diets can be challenging, especially if you’re dealing with food sensitivities, cravings, and a busy schedule. That’s why I’ve created the AIP Low FODMAP Gut Fix Plan, a simple but comprehensive 4-week program that will help you finally move past the blocks you’ve been facing!

The AIP Low FODMAP Gut Fix Plan is designed to be easy to follow and simple to understand and implement. It combines the principles of the AIP and Low FODMAP diets, along with gut-recovery tips to help you achieve optimal health and wellbeing.

Learn more about this program here!


In Conclusion: When is a Low FODMAP AIP Diet Necessary?

A low FODMAP AIP combination diet has been proven to be effective in treating and managing a variety of digestive issues, including irritable bowel syndrome. If you and your doctor have decided it is necessary to follow this type of elimination diet, take comfort in knowing that there are helpful resources out there to make this extra step less challenging!

Would you try this diet, or have you tried it to help your symptoms? What was your experience? Let me know in the comments!

Meagen Ashley
Meagen Signature

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