Benefits of Avocado for Autoimmunity
Life with Autoimmunity, Lifestyle

Benefits of Avocado for Autoimmunity

It is hard to mention healthy living, superfoods, or the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol without mentioning avocados, because the Benefits of Avocado for Autoimmunity are amazing!

You can even find avocados in beauty products and skincare routines. Though some people may call it a food fad, there are other reasons you are likely seeing them everywhere. In this post, I cover the benefits of avocado in both your Paleo AIP diet and in your personal care.

Dietary Benefits of Avocado for Autoimmunity

Source of Potassium

Bananas are the first thing many people grab for when they think of potassium needs. Believe it or not, avocados have more potassium than bananas!

The reason this is so vital to many people, and their history of health risks, is because of what an increase of potassium can do. Studies show that there is a strong connection between autoimmune diseases and hypertension*. source

The increase of potassium helps with a reduction in blood pressure. This reduction is directly related to a reduction in the risk for heart attacks and strokes. If you have a family history of kidney failure, or you are at risk, the potassium found in avocados may help reduce your risks with this as well*. source

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Fiber Content

Did you know that one of the Benefits of Avocado for Autoimmunity is their high fiber content?

Fiber tends to bring things like vegetables or fiber supplements to mind. The creamy, dreamy avocado actually has 6 grams of fiber per half-avocado serving*! source

The key to keep in mind when it comes to the fiber contained in avocado is that it is soluble fiber. Soluble fiber is easier on the gut throughout the entire time of digestion. This is a comforting fact for those struggling with one of the main precursors to autoimmunity – leaky gut. 

This also makes it a better choice versus conventional fiber supplements. These supplements can contain gut- and autoimmune- disruptive ingredients like inulin, wheat dextrin, and psyllium husk.

Nutrient Absorption

One of the problems that tend to plague people with autoimmunity is the ability of the body to absorb nutrients from foods they eat.

When you enjoy avocados with your meals or along with a snack, you are consuming healthy fats that assist your body in better absorbing those nutrients. The fat can help your body seek out the nutrients and latch onto them. 

This will mean you can put those nutrients to use (like magnesium) and dispose of the proper amount in waste instead of disposing of all the nutrients through digestion.

How to Use Avocados for Beautiful Skin

You may have heard of using avocados to replace mayonnaise, as an addition to salads, and as a superfood option in many of your daily AIP recipes

What you may not know is how you can use avocados to help correct skin issues and naturally transform your skin. For those with autoimmunity especially, it is important to check your labels and make sure that you are not adding hormone- or immune-disruptive ingredients on to your skin. 

When you either purchase certified toxin-free skincare products and makeup or make your own at home, or use a combination of the two, your health will thank you!

These methods below to create your own avocado skincare products are easy, can be done at home, and do not require special ingredients or additions. You can also use these methods year round to help your skin stay beautiful regardless of the weather!

Treatment of Sun Damage

Sun damage is one of the leading ways that skin can look aged or develop spots and discoloration. In these cases, you may work some kind of sunblock on your skin or sun treatment. 

Though these seem okay, they may have toxic chemicals that can make your skin dependent on those chemicals in order to maintain the appearance the skin treatments are giving you. 

If you have sun spots, sun burns, or severe dry skin from sun exposure reach for some creamed avocado instead. Simply apply to the skin and affected areas and blend into the skin, and allow to sit for 30 minutes a day until you notice an improvement.

For sun damage prevention, I am a huge fan of this toxin-free Daily Sheer Defense for Face.

Daily Moisturizer

You can make your own daily moisturizer from avocados by mixing avocado oil with equal parts vitamin E oil, or melted shea butter, cocoa butter, and/or grapeseed oil. 

Simply add the ingredients to an amber-colored dropper bottle or jar, then shake until well blended. Dab this onto the skin in small amounts. 

It works as well as expensive moisturizers and can be used multiple times a day if needed, without causing clogged pores or skin damage.

This Counter+ No. 1 Brightening Oil is another one of daily routine faves. It smells like citrus and is great at fading spots and moisturizing the skin!

Deep Moisture Treatment

Deep moisture treatments are usually done through skin masks. Though be aware that conventional mask treatments may not contain fully organic or toxin-free ingredients.

These Counter+ Eye Revive Cooling Masks are my favorite under-eye treatments that are approved!

You can make your own homemade mask with some raw honey, egg yolk, and avocado. Mash the ingredients well in a bowl, then spread on the face with fingers or with a facial brush.

Allow the mask to set for twenty to thirty minutes. Wash your face with warm water and a soft cloth. You can do this once to several times a week.

Severe Dry Winter Skin

Winter weather can wreak all kinds of havoc on your skin. The winds, cold temperatures, snow, and rain can all cause dry patches and redness. (Trust me, as a Canadian gal, I can attest to those pesky dry skin problems!)

Combine that with the sudden change in temperature from moving indoors to a warm environment and back out to freezing temperatures and you have a recipe for skin disaster. 

To support your skin during these times, use a mixture of the daily moisturizers, increased face masks, and an avocado night cream made of blended avocado and egg yolks. This will tone skin and help to moisturize as well.

I’ve also found this Countertime Tetrapeptide Supreme Cream to be truly invaluable when my skin is needing that extra moisture and fine-lines support during severe weather.

Benefits of Avocado for Autoimmunity

I hope you found this Benefits of Avocado for Autoimmunity post helpful for you!

How do you use avocado in your kitchen and in your skincare routine? I’d love to hear.

Leave me a comment below!



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